Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Mayas for beginners

This is my first blog and  had the idea of sharing info about the mayas, but first of all I wanna share something about myself. I was born in Merida Yucatan, the southest part of Mexico, therefore my childhood was surrounded of Mayan culture and traditions, but as a young boy, history seem to be a boring subject to me, and the culture around me, old fashioned and full of superstitions, (most of young people I knew then, felt the same way) and the school trips to the mayan sites where more attractive by the simple fact of socializing on school time than the cultural background involved in them. I was 18 years old when I really discovered, during a trip to Tulum, how incredible culture the Mayas were and how people all around the world worship our culture and traditions while I was (again, like most kids my age) worshipping USA modern culture.
Today, at the age of 40 I feel encouraged of talking about everything I've learned about the Mayas trough all this years as a guide thru docens of mayan sites but mainly as a fanatic of culture and society.
Fom this moment on I will write an article about the mayas every other week.


David Alejandro Echeverria Garcia

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