Thursday, March 21, 2013

The origin of the Mayas


Mayan kid
The first question that come to mind when we talk about a culture is "who they were?" or "where they come from?", archeologist started wondering about the Mayas, over than 150 years ago, and said the Mayas were colonies of Rome, Egiptians, Fenicians or Greeks, even the world paid attention when the author Erick Von Daniken during the 70's said: "The mayas came from outerspace" in his Best Seller book "Charriots of Gods", suggesting that the famous monolit covering the tumb of the Great Pakal, (leader of Palenque) was in reality an astronaut driving a space ship.
One more theory claims the Mayas came from "Atlantis" , a mythical civilization lost in the ocean. Today we know that the expression MAYA, is actually a combination of 2 words in the maya tongue still spoken in Yucatan Peninsula, MAY-HA, where MAY means footprint and HA stands for water, that seems to indicate that the original Mayas came from the ocean, but opens a debate about what kind of navegation they used and of course, where the ship departed from.

Argentinian indigenous

All american natives share the same roots and similar physical features: straigth and dark hair, sliding eyes , robust complexion, cheek bones prominent, and something very particular called the mongolian spot.
Mongolian Spot
Native American Indian
The mongolian spot is a blueish birth mark located normally by the coxis, down the spine, and happens to dessapear around 6 or 9 years old, is commoon among the people in Japan, Korea, China, the Polinessian Islands and in general thru all Assian looking tribes.

Amazonic kid
All the way from Tierra de Fuego in Argentina, passing through the Amazonics in Brasil, Incas in Peru, Mayas in Mexico and central America, Navajos, Cherokees, and practically all American and Canadian tribes, even those called Eskimos, in Alaska, have mongolian blue spot.

Recent discoveries support that 20,000 years ago there was a big block of ice from Wisconsin to Alaska, (the Wisconsin Glaciation), and from Alaska to Siberia, there was a bridge of ice conecting the continents thru a channel on the ocean called THE BERING STRAIT.

Alaska native Family
Evidence from a mummy found in Western Nevada in 1940 indicates that the body was 9,400 years old and when experts reconstructed the face from the skeleton, the features matched with a Northern Japanese group, and the clothing of the mummy matched with the textiles used still by that group. They could crossed by boat or even walked thru the 50 miles that separate Asia from North america.

If the first group of Pre-Mayas walked on a bridge of Ice till they eventually,  after an incredible nomadic adventure of 14,000 years, they finally arrived to Arizona, to the Anassasi Territory,( where some experts believe the previous groups that eventually would become the Mayas actually came from), it's fair to say that they left after all a FOOTPRINT OF WATER.


Tour Director
Mayan Encounter

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